Since 1970

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Teresa Bennett

Teresa Bennett is located in Cleveland, Ohio.  Like most of us, her specialty is washable custom-fitted slipcovers for upholstered furniture.

 Teresa has a beautiful website called Cozy Cottage; don't miss it!  She was last year's winner of the annual Slipcover Design contest on the Slipcover Network site.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Lots of news from Pat Reese Enterprises!!

Son Bill Reese has joined me at the slipcover shop here in Fort Worth.  We are moving the shop again….(building got sold!)
but it will be right across the street from where we are now, in the arts district on Arch Adams  More about this later; we move June 1.

My Etsy store is now where you can order slipcover lessons.  Most are instant downloads and include copies of my Glossary of Slipcover Terms, my supplier list, notes from my classes, and whatever topic you choose.

There are downloadables on tub chairs, wing chairs, channel back chairs, slipcover skirts, cushions, and just a basic beginner's primer.
Prices have been reduced, click here to take a look:

Other items in the store include custom made ottoman covers, table rounds, and cushion covers made to order.

Please let me know how you like this new way of sharing and what else you would like to see….

All the best

Pat Reese