Since 1970

Monday, June 6, 2011

100% hemp for slipcovers

Here are my latest slipcovers for a customer in a Las Colinas loft.  She had a pair of these over sized chairs with ottomans to match.  Fabric is "Lydia" 10 oz hemp canvas, prewashed.  A free cutting of the canvas can be ordered with a comment to this post.

Green and Safe Windows offers 22 samples of hemp, organic cotton, silk and linen fabrics for $12 refundable on your first order.  Prices are most reasonable.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Micro-cord is the latest thing!!!

More and more the tiny, 1/8 inch welt cord is popular for slipcovers and pillows especially. Some people use it on draperies, at the leading edge/lining seam.

For $24 you can order this foot for any industrial Singer, Juki, Glaco or other single-needle machine.  Some folks use shade cord for their core; I  use cotton or jute string.  Should be something fairly firm to ride under the 1/8 inch groove in the bottom of the foot.

I will send one of my 700 yard cotton cord in balls to go with it.  Just email me at (my Paypal address) or phone toll free 1-888-923-7160.  

Monday, May 23, 2011

What's wrong with this picture?

 The customer could have gotten lots more wear out of these cushions.  The welt has worn out from inside because the welt was made with hemp cord.  The "wavy" effect you see on the seams is because the fabric covering the cord was cut on the straight of the fabric (parallel to the selvages) instead of on the bias.  Bias cut strips for covering cord are well worth the effort.  Trust me.