Noah has been gone from the planet for ten years or so. I sure miss him. He was a terrific slipcover maker from New York City originally. These photos were slides from the 1970's which do not convert to the web especially well. But I sure like having some tribute to him on my blog and I want to give a shout out to all of his family. I still hear from them occasionally.
Here he is working on one of the sewing machines. The other man in the picture is the barber from around the corner of our shop at 2251 College Avenue in south Fort Worth. Noah always took care of our machines and he also sharpened our shears with a hand sharpener that isn't available any more. You could take the blades apart and sharpen them each one at an exact 15 degree angle, so they stayed sharp for a long time.
This picture was made at the opening reception for Westgate Fabrics location in Grand Prairie. In those days they had a screening plant as well as a warehouse and a staff of people who drew exclusive designs for them.
Noah made slipcovers till he was 80 years old. Then he sold his shop to me and went to Florida to live. I saw him a couple of times after that. I sure miss him. Here's to you, Noah!!